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In Memory of Laura Pickett



On April 21, 2012, we lost our beloved Laura Pickett.  She was such a special person who touched so many people through horses.  Our prayers go out to her family and to all those who knew her.

See the Awards Ceremony at USHJA's Annual Convention December 5, 2012http://youtu.be/2j2M_3Mg4P8


 She will forever be a part of Rolling Acres.


LauraHeart.jpgIn support of Breast Cancer Research, Rolling Acres is providing links to several nonprofit organizations that work to battle this disease.

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Attn: Laura Pickett Breast Cancer Research Fund
60 East 56th Street
New York, NY 10022


Susan G. Komen for the Cure

John Hopkins Medicine
Attn:  Avon Breast Foundation Center
One Charles Center
100 N. Charles Street, #300
Baltimore, MD 21202